Obvious Signs Of A Womanizer

Do you know what a playboy is, and how you’ll know if he’s one?

What are the obvious signals or hints that the man is cheating on their partner? Are these men considered womanizers? Do these womanizers still deserve to be forgiven and loved by their original partners? How do you know the guy you are dating is the real thing and not just some cheater who’s going to disappear? What are the common behaviors of a cheater? Would you seek help?

Two women sit at the table in the restaurant and talk about cheating in the relationship while drinking their coffee.
Source: pexels.com

Behaviors I Noticed In A Womanizer

When I opened my clinic for marriage counseling for the first time in town, various organizations asked me on social media accounts to spend time to become a woman keynote speaker at their community events regarding ladies, marriage, and relationships in general.

For instance, if the question were, “As a woman, how do you keep the love alive after many years of marriage?” The most complex question from a person is, “Why am I not enough as the only wife for my husband?”

I would typically hear this question from depressed new wives who get cheated on by their spouses at least once. It is challenging to answer these women mainly because all the information I could discuss would hurt the feelings of whoever’s asking for it. After all, women, in reality, were naturally paying attention to most men they hoped to fix, even though not everyone had non-verbal signs that they wanted to be fixed. Women are even called “slaves of love” because of the lengths they will reach just for love and their loved ones, which includes their partners and husbands.

This woman, Mary, came up after my guest-speaking session.

The woman said, “I wanted to go to the mic and ask a marriage-related question, but I was feeling too embarrassed sweet talking about my marital problems in front of my women friends.”

“I understand. Would you like to come by my clinic? Tomorrow would be nice.”

After exchanging pleasantries with Mary the next day, she told me her story and their long toxic relationship history.

“Jim and I had been married for five years now. During the first year of our marriage, I caught him kissing a random woman in his car, but when I started to confront him, his excuse was that the woman just hopped in the passenger’s seat and grabbed him.”

The woman with short hair sits at the corner in the room while listening to her friend's advice. She's staring blankly into the distance.
Source: pexels.com

Signs of A Womanizer/Signs And Hallmarks

“And you believed him?” I asked curiously because I knew that was undoubtedly one of the signs of a womanizer.

Mary looked down. “Yes, I did, but a small part of me did not want to believe he was flirting and had other women. Then, shortly after that, I got pregnant with our only son. The thought of my husband spending time with another woman did not cross my mind again until I heard his phone ring while he was in the shower in the hospital where I gave birth. I looked at it and saw that there were text messages showing another woman’s naked breasts,” this woman confessed.

“What did you do?”

The woman sighed and said, “I confronted Jim, of course. I was livid; I wanted him to go away. But he kept reminding me of our newborn son and how I should not rob my son of the chance of having a whole family just because of one mistake,” Mary uttered.

I knew where Mary’s story was going, but I allowed this woman to talk and continue for the benefit of the doubt. It turned out that she kept catching her husband in compromising situations which showed  Jim being a cheater. The worst part was that he never admitted to anything. He’s playing it cool and tells Mary that she was either delusional or making him look bad in other women’s eyes, although all the pieces of evidence indicate that he has signs of being a womanizer.

Source: pexels.com

“What can I do to make my husband faithful? I have done everything I can think of. I got back into shape; I started wearing sexier clothes. He’ll appreciate my efforts, but I sense that he kept seeing other girls behind my back,” Mary said sighing, teary-eyed.

Habitual Playboy

“Well, I know that no one wants to hear this, but there is nothing you can do about a habitual cheater. This big problem already started when you allowed your husband to get away without any consequence when you saw him in the past kissing another woman in his car. While there is a chance that that woman genuinely jumped in the car and kissed him, he could have pushed the woman away if he was not interested, but he did not,” I explained carefully.

Mary sighed. “You are right.”

“As for the other cheating with other women incidents that your husband always denied,” I continued, “It may finally be time to see it in a different light. Sometimes, womanizers keep telling lies that they did not do anything wrong because they thought it was okay to cheat, not because they were really innocent. In that case, you should think of the best action to protect yourself as a woman and your kid.”

In psychology, womanizers tend to treat love like a game, which is a tell-tale sign of a womanizer. There are many red flags to watch for, which can save you lots of time, energy, and heartache. This cheater does not have endurance, only temporary focus to prove his loyalty and win you over.

Source: pexels.com

The Different Hallmarks And Signs Of A Womanizer

“Does this mean that my marriage can no longer be saved?” she asked sighing.

Only you can decide on that,” I replied, also sighing. “However, based on what you told me about Jim’s body language and other warning signs – even when you just gave birth to his son – I find that a red flag. It likely meant that he was living a double life or he no longer respected your relationship. It is a big deal, and either can’t be worse than the other, frankly speaking.”

Mary went home that day at a loss for words. After a few months, though, she informed me that she heeded the warning sign and kicked her husband out of the house because she found him lying about a new extramarital womanizing affair again.

“I had been fooled for too long. Enough was enough; I deserve a good life and to find someone who genuinely cares,” she said with conviction.

The Obvious Behaviors

Many women who have spouses who have the habit of entertaining multiple women to keep up their own reputation despite being married must face the consequences of their actions in their personal lives. These other men must think and reflect on their choices.

In counseling women, I hope most women dealing with habitual cheaters as their romantic partners would wake up afrom their romantic idea of “fixing” their bad behavior. It could happen, of course, but if years already passed, and there was no change in the man’s behavior as a ladies’ man, it’s alright to throw in the white flag and listen to the red flags, and walk away from your intimate relationship or serious relationship. It’s for your self-confidence and sanity as a woman, after all. Surely, you can find male friends or introduce guy friends in the dating pool who want the same monogamous relationship you want.

“When you really like or love someone, it’s hard to imagine your life without them. They may add something fun and thrilling that you don’t want to let go of. But when you’re dating a cheater, you’re opening yourself up to be lied to, manipulated, and even used solely for his benefit. You should feel supported and valued in your relationship. If you don’t, it’s time to call it quits.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Causes That Make Man Cheat?

Several factors can contribute to infidelity, including emotional dissatisfaction, opportunity, or thrill-seeking behavior. In some cases, men may cheat due to a combination of these factors.

Are Cheaters Considered Narcissists?

Not all cheaters are narcissists, although some may display narcissistic characteristics, including a lack of empathy or entitlement. For a more accurate evaluation, it is important to reference a psychological profile.

How Do You Know If Your Partner Is Sleeping With Someone Else?

Changes in behavior, secrecy, or emotional distance could indicate infidelity. If your partner suddenly starts to more to their appearance when going out without you, it could be a sign.

How Do You Tell If The Guy Is Using You?

A red flag would be if the guy shows interest only when it benefits him but is otherwise unavailable emotionally or physically.

How Would You Know When A Man Is Cheating On You?

Certain changes in behavior, secretive phone habits, or unexplained absences might be indicators. Online dating tips often suggest trusting your intuition when something feels off.

What Can You Do To Manage A Womanizer?

Managing a womanizer is challenging. One effective strategy might be to confront the person about their womanizing ways and set firm boundaries.

How Do You Outdo A Player?

To outdo a player, it’s crucial to maintain your self-respect and not fall into the emotional traps they set. A good strategy is to be emotionally independent.

What Are Some Ways That You Can Make A Cheater Respect You?

Gaining respect from a cheater is complex and may not always be possible. Some people don’t care about the emotional damage they cause, making it difficult to change their behavior.

What Are The Red Flags In A Man?

Red flags can include secrecy, emotional unavailability, and inconsistencies in what this guy says and does. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Does A Womanizer Dating Ever Fall In Love?

It is possible for a womanizer to fall in love, but transforming from a womanizer into a committed partner is a significant emotional leap.

How Do You Spot A Keeper?

A keeper pays attention to details, respects you, and supports you emotionally and otherwise. It’s a sign that he’s genuine when his words align with his actions.

What Is The Difference Between A Womanizer And A Player?

Both can be manipulative, but a womanizer typically focuses on romantic or sexual conquests. A player, on the other hand, may or may not be interested in a romantic relationship but plays emotional games. Knowing how to spot a womanizer differs from recognizing a player.

What Is The Psychological Profile Of A Womanizer?

A womanizer often seeks validation through romantic or sexual conquests, usually displaying low emotional intelligence. Their activity on social media may also provide clues to their tendencies.

What Are The Signs Of The Player?

A player may avoid commitment, keep conversations surface-level, and could be juggling multiple interests simultaneously. These are indicators that should make you feel good about deciding to stay away.

What Is The Weakness Of A Womanizer?

A common weakness of a womanizer is the need for constant validation, which may stem from deeper insecurities or past experiences. This need often drives their behavior, making it a crucial point of vulnerability.